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The king and three sons
zammari 25 November 2023
The king and three sons  The story goes that there was a king whom God blessed with three sons who lived with him in glory and bliss until t...
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sleeping Princess
zammari 23 November 2023
sleeping Princess  It is said that a king and queen lived in a beautiful palace in a distant  city and ruled that city with love and peace. ...
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The story of Leila and the Wolf
zammari 22 November 2023
The story of Leila and the Wolf the introduction  The story of Laila and the Wolf or Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most widespread ch...
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Funny and realistic story The smart engineer
zammari 22 November 2023
The smart engineer  There was a man who worked as an architect in one of the companies. One day the  company  declared bankruptcy and our en...
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A beautiful and meaningful true story (John migrates)
zammari 21 November 2023
A beautiful and meaningful true story (John migrates)  In the spacious courtyard of the house, John sat quietly looking at the clear sky, re...
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Stories to benefit from(Adam and Selina)
zammari 20 November 2023
 (Adam and Selina) In a crowded city, there lived a young man named Adam, who had just graduated from college and was struggling to find a j...
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The house is haunted (scary and mysterious stories)
zammari 20 November 2023
The house is haunted There are many events around us for which the human mind is unable to find a logical  explanation. The lack of reasons ...
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Hotel owner(Mysterious stories)
zammari 20 November 2023
(Mysterious stories) Hotel owner The hotel owner tells the story  In one of the isolated international hotels, one day in April, a customer ...
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The young man and the old man (action and horror story)
zammari 20 November 2023
The young man and the old man (action and horror story)   There was a young man who traveled between countries and villages to learn about t...
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True story (a woman destroyed many men)
zammari 15 November 2023
 True story (a woman destroyed many men) A true story of a woman who destroyed the lives of many men Welcome Here we tell you the story of a...
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A true story to benefit from (three young men)
zammari 14 November 2023
A true story to benefit from (three young men) This is a true story that happened in o...
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Useful and wise article (story)
zammari 12 November 2023
 Useful and wise article (story) Welcome Purposeful and useful story There were three fish (gold, white and blue) living in a lake and playi...
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