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A true story to benefit from (three young men)

A true story to benefit from (three young men)

This is a true story that happened in one of the countries 

We will give fictitious names to the people in this story

The names are John, Chris and Mike

John works in the aviation sector and has a good social reputation. He was kind and gentle with everyone. One day, John met Chris by chance.

Chris was emaciated, his financial situation was very poor, and his condition was miserable

John was kind to Chris and hosted him at home, and Chris ate at John's house every day, after several months of this situation

Chris learns that there is a friend of John's named Mike, and they have been quarreling for a while, so Chris decides to get to know Mike without John's knowledge.

After a while, Chris and Mike became friends

Mike decided to take revenge on John because of their argument

Mike convinced Chris and lured him into the idea, and Chris was convinced of Mike's idea of taking revenge on John

During these last days Mike and Chris met often

John was traveling out of town, and when he returned, John called Chris to check on him. Chris and Mike then learn that John has returned to town, a few days after John's return.

Chris called John and said: How about we meet somewhere, have coffee and talk a little

John agreed and went to the meeting site. He was surprised to find Mike there

John said to Chris, "Why didn't you tell me Mike was with you?" He said: I want to reconcile between you. John then decided to sit in the car with Mike and Chris. Afterwards, their conversation became tense, and Mike pulled out a gun and shot John, making sure he killed him.

Mike and Chris threw John on the side of the road and ran away

Several hours after the incident, John's father's phone rings in the middle of the night. After ringing several times, John's father answers the call and the caller turns out to be the police. They ask him: Are you John's father

He said yes, is it possible for you to come to the hospital now

After that, John's father rushed to the hospital and was surprised by his son's body. He collapsed, so the police asked the father: Do you know who he left with? “Yes, with his friend Chris,” he said.

When the sun rose, the police were able to arrest Chris and Mike because they were still together and had not separated after their crime against the murdered John.

Here the story ends

Now I have some advice in such situations

When you want to meet someone with whom you have a disagreement, you should take someone you trust, such as a family member or a very close friend, whom you can trust.

You must be aware in advance that a meeting will be held to resolve the conflict and not suddenly and at the same time

It is possible to take some important precautions, such as having the meeting place be in a public place crowded with people

Be careful not to let the meeting take place in the car, in remote places, or at home

I hope you liked the story and benefited

You can share so that others can benefit


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