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How to raise rabbits

How to raise rabbits

 Rabbits come in many different breeds, which were created by moving rabbits from one region to another with a different lifestyle and lifestyle than that in which they were found. They began mating with different breeds, which led to the creation of new breeds, which is called reciprocal mating. Rabbit breeders also did this by creating new breeds by altering the genes of rabbits to create breeds with specific traits they desired.

There are many other breeds of rabbits, such as the Silver Rabbit, the English Spotted Rabbit and the Flemish Giant Rabbit, which are characterized by their colorful fur, which is why their price is usually higher than some others. Other breeds as well as other hybrid breeds that were created from the mating of some breeds, including the Altex breed, which was created as a hybrid breed from many different breeds, such as the Flemish Giant Rabbit and the Silver Rabbit.

Making a house for rabbits outside the house:

The rabbits should be provided with appropriate housing and environment as this affects the productivity of these animals. There are many things to consider and consider when housing your rabbit. It should be exposed to natural ventilation, taking into account that the rabbits are not directly exposed to strong wind or rain or sunlight in winter. Especially in summer, the house can be equipped with wooden or plastic panels and surrounded with some old blankets to protect it from wind and rain. If the rabbits are in a hutch without heating, they must be placed in an enclosed place where they can stay warm. It is preferable to house rabbits in shelters that are safe from predators and they should not be exposed to various pollutants such as smoke and dust and be close to water and electricity supplies.

Rabbits live in cages arranged in rows in a barn or pergola. Therefore, these cages are placed on wooden or concrete shelves. Galvanized iron, or CGI for short, can be used to make the barn roof. The nature of these barns can vary, some of them are semi-permanent and consist of columns made of wood, straw, bamboo and other materials, while others are permanent and contain a half brick and iron wall and a cement floor. , and regardless of the type of The stable used must have a good drainage system to make cleaning the cages easier. The cages are placed in rows, spaced apart so that there is enough space between them for people to pass through, or they are even stacked on top of each other to save space in the stable. Rabbit cages also differ in size, but it is recommended to make them from metal mesh measuring 50 x 90 cm and 35 cm high, with the dimensions of the mesh openings ranging from 8 to 10 cm. It should be noted that the use of wooden material for making these cages should be avoided as wood is a difficult material to clean as it absorbs water and urine. Plus, it can be chewed by rabbits.

As for the huts:

It is possible to build iron, wooden or bamboo huts as a home for rabbits, taking into account that they are not exposed to direct sunlight to avoid high temperatures. The huts should be divided into several rooms and can be separated by wooden or bamboo boards. Galvanized iron (CGI) or straw is considered one of the preferred materials for the roof of the hut, while the floors should be made of a network of metal wires to facilitate the drainage of waste.

As for the flooring system:

Designate an area on the patio of the house as a rabbit home so that each rabbit has a special place. A shelter must be provided for this, for example a solid wooden box. It should be spacious and have enough space for the rabbit to move freely as this space should be enough for the rabbit to move around. It can be traversed in at least three full jumps in any direction and also provides the ability to comfortably extend the hind legs. There is also space in front of the cage in the where the rabbit can run and jump. It should be noted that if the rabbit is alone, a rabbit of the opposite sex must be brought along. Be the first to put him in the cage as he needs company. On the other hand, the rabbit's presence outside the house protects it from pets such as cats and dogs.

But if you want to raise rabbits indoors

The rabbit can be kept as a pet and is allowed to move, run and jump around the house. The specifications of the cage required for indoor use of the house are no different than those required for outdoor placement. However, a small box can be placed for the rabbit if he can always move freely around the house and sit where he wants. It is preferable to have a special litter box for rabbits in addition to the litter box. Rabbits have an innate instinct that makes them prefer to defecate and urinate in a specific place. The litter box can be prepared by placing a layer of soil for rabbit feces and some old newspapers on top, being careful not to use unsafe materials. For rabbits, for example soil for cats, it is recommended to put a layer of straw on top to encourage the rabbit to come to this box. It is worth noting that raising a rabbit indoors helps strengthen the relationship between it and its owner, which can compensate for the need for another rabbit as a companion. Therefore, you should consult a veterinarian if you want to prevent this from happening. The rabbit reproduces due to the large number of offspring. The presence of a rabbit in the house can cause great harm to it or to the house and its enclosures, for example by chewing electrical cords, which can cause electric shock or burns, or by eating houseplants for food and by chewing furniture. Plastic. Panels and wallpapers. For this reason it is necessary to prepare the house. We can prevent such dangers and problems from occurring through various measures.

Here we come to how to care for a rabbit:

Rabbits need care and monitoring to ensure they are always in their best condition. It's a good idea to monitor the rabbit's behavior and general appearance. Health symptoms that may occur in rabbits include pimples spreading to the ears, diarrhea, or discharge from the nose or eyes. It is also necessary to monitor health status. As for rabbit teeth, dental problems are common in rabbits, and although rabbits do not require many vaccinations and vaccinations, there are about essential vaccines to protect them from deadly diseases such as viral hemorrhagic disease. You should consult a veterinarian to learn about rabbit vaccinations and the number of vaccination times. It is recommended to provide and prepare a suitable place for rabbits to exercise at any time. Exercise is very important in raising rabbits as it promotes the proper growth of young and also maintains the physical fitness of adult rabbits, the appropriate amount of time for rabbits to exercise is per day. There are four hours in the day, so this period is divided into a morning and an afternoon period, and the exercises that the rabbit wants to do vary depending on the species and age, as young rabbits tend to be hyperactive while older rabbits prefer to sleep, but that doesn't mean they don't need this exercise. Exercises

Proper eating:

It is very important to know the right way to feed rabbits, as diseases resulting from malnutrition are the most common in rabbits. Therefore, care must be taken to maintain a healthy diet, as any blockage in their digestive system can pose significant health risks. If a rabbit is unable to eat for 24 hours, you should take it to the vet immediately. Although rabbits are herbivores, meaning they eat plants, that doesn't stop them from eating other foods such as roots, worms, snails and tree bark. It's worth noting that rabbits use their sense of smell to identify food and its location. This is because the rabbit cannot see what is directly in front of it because it turns its gaze to the side. The rabbit is characterized by having a different digestive system than other mammals. The rabbit's digestive system produces two types of feces: the first is dry feces, which is found in the litter box, while the other type, known as nocturnal feces or cecotropes, is considered one of the main food sources for the rabbit eats the rabbit has this type of feces because it contains important nutrients for his body. The rabbit can also eat hay, which is considered an important source of fiber that protects its intestines and improves its function, while vegetables are considered an important source for providing rabbits with various nutrients and water. It is preferable to provide various vegetables regularly. Daily, be sure to choose those whose leaves are dark in color, as they are rich in useful elements for rabbits. However, you should make sure to wash them well before serving them to the rabbit, including lettuce leaves, parsley, watercress and others. You should also avoid offering certain vegetables, such as cabbage. Beans, peas, spinach and others. Compound feed for commercial rabbits can be added to your nutritional program as it contains many important vitamins and minerals. However, note that consumption of this type of food can cause harmful obesity in rabbits and is not suitable for rabbits kept as pets due to the content of these grains. It is high in calories and small amounts of fruit can be added to the rabbits' diet, as fruits rich in fiber are considered the most suitable types of fruits for rabbits, such as: B. cored apples, pineapples, strawberries, peaches and pears. . . You should also avoid offering nuts, chocolate or bread. , pasta and biscuits for rabbits, and taking into account all the points mentioned, you should also remember to provide enough food for rabbits daily, as the rabbit needs food in the amount of 150 to 200 grams per meal. Since the amount of food is served twice a day and the amount of food varies depending on the growth stage, clean drinking water must be continuously provided

How do rabbits reproduce and their mating age:

Rabbits can mate at around 7 to 9 months of age. In the case of farm rabbits, the female is placed in the male's cage. It is recommended to give the couple the opportunity to communicate twice a day, morning and evening, as this opportunity increases the couple's mutual knowledge. Increases the chances of a successful mating process and a greater number of births. The rabbit's pregnancy lasts 30 days. During this time, female lives in her own independent place, the small nest mentioned above. The rabbit usually gives birth to its baby during the night hours as it does not need any help during birth. On average, a rabbit can give birth to 6 babies, and the number of births can reach up to 15. Rabbits are born with their eyes closed and without fur as fur begins to appear from the fifth day of their birth while their eyes open after the tenth day. Baby rabbits do not need to be fed for the first twenty days of their life as they are completely dependent on mother's milk during this time. After more than two weeks of life, babies begin to move out of their place and gradually begin to eat herbs along with mother's milk, which reduces their dependence. This must be done gradually until they are fully weaned and begin to rely on green fodder, vegetables and other nutritious foods. The weaning phase of the puppies takes place between the 40nd and 50th days of their birth. Rabbit breeders have to take care of some of the babies who cannot be breastfed well and normally. This is done by feeding cow's milk using a special bottle or dropper. After the weaning period, the rabbits are well looked after and fed so that they can grow quickly.

Rabbits, like other animals, are susceptible to many diseases, so if you notice any change in their behavior, please consult a veterinarian

Rabbits can be raised at home as farm animals as it is considered relatively easy and offers numerous benefits. An individual can raise these animals at home without causing inconvenience to their neighbors as rabbits are odorless and noiseless, easy to handle and docile animals and their excrement is a useful fertilizer for the family garden.

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