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Tips for raising pets at home

Tips for raising pets at home

Pets are creatures that we are able adapt to
beneath one roof, and a few of the leading creatures that can be raised at domestic are mutts, cats, rabbits, and feathered creatures. The relationship between people and creatures is depicted as advantageous, as caring for pets benefits both

      Before making the decision to care for pets at home, we must take into consideration some things to consider


Time and effort. An animal is a responsibility no less important than other responsibilities, as the breeder must make an effort to care for the animal, which needs constant care. For example, a dog should be taken for a walk at least once a day, while cats and rabbits should not. For this reason, raising them is easier than raising dogs. On the other hand, a dog needs to play, so it is recommended to have dogs if there is outdoor space in the house


 places to sleep and play: Before taking the animal home, the breeder must allocate a place for it to sleep, and allocate enough space for the animal to play and move around comfortably, and a special place must be provided for the animal to relieve itself


 The financial cost of the basic needs of animal care, in addition to the necessity of purchasing food designated for each type of animal, such as the supplies that the animal needs such as toys, medicines, vaccinations, etc. needs


When you are thinking about owning a pet, you must know the appropriate age for the type of animal you want to raise. It is not recommended to buy dogs that are less than 70 days old, due to their need for a mother at this age. It is preferable that the dog be between 2 and 6 months old, because after 6 months it is difficult to train it. As for cats, it is preferable that they are not less than a month old. As for rabbits, birds and fish, age does not matter

Health care is considered one of the most important matters, as attention must be paid to ensuring that the animal receives its basic vaccinations, including preventive and annual vaccinations, which protect it from serious diseases. It must be ensured that the animal does not carry any virus, and the animal must be taken to the clinic to take pills that prevent the fungi from approaching and living in its body and skin

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