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How to cook Maqouba

 How to cook Maqouba
It is a famous and widespread dish in the Levant and Turkey. It is a popular Palestinian dish and consists mainly of rice with fried vegetables. It can be eggplant, cauliflower, potatoes or green beans.
In the same dish you can prepare a vegetable mixture and also add lamb or chicken. But it is often cooked with chicken and usually served with yogurt or Arabic salad.
How to prepare Palestinian maqlouba:
the components
1-Two eggplants
2-One cauliflower
3-Three pieces of potatoes
4-One onion cut into squares
5-One medium-sized chicken cut into 4 pieces
6-One leaf of bay leaf
7-Cinnamon stick
8-A teaspoon of mixed spices
9-Two tablespoons of salt
10-One teaspoon of fine cinnamon
11-One teaspoon of ground cardamom
12-One teaspoon of curry
13-One and a half tablespoons of vegetable oil
14-Three cups of rice
How to prepare:
Chop the onion and put it in a pot on the stove, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil
 over it, then stir well and add the chicken, then fry well. Add the cinnamon stick, bay leaf and a tablespoon of cinnamon, then add water to cover the chicken and leave on the stove until cooked through. After soaking the rice for half an hour, drain the water well and add the remaining spices and two tablespoons of salt. Cut the potatoes into circles and then fry them. The same goes for eggplant and cauliflower, so we cut them and fry them
After cooking, remove the chicken from the broth, drain the seasonings and then fry it.
After cooking, remove the chicken from the broth, drain the seasonings and then fry it. Take a large pot, put some seasoned rice on the bottom, then put the fried chicken pieces, then the potatoes, then the cauliflower, put the rest of the rice on top of the ingredients and then pour in a lot of broth after that Filter. of the spices until all the rice is covered. Place the pot on the stove, and when it boils and the rice begins to absorb the broth, reduce the heat to low and leave the pot until cooked. Place the pot upside down on a large tray, leave it upside down for ten minutes, then remove the pot and serve hot.

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