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How do you take care of your new car

 How do you take care of your new car

To maintain the safety of your new car for a longer period, experts have developed several important tips that must be followed, especially during the initial operation period

Tips that first stressed the importance of caution when performing the first oil change

Experts believed that the ideal time to do this step would be between 50 and 500 miles

Experts also advised the importance of driving the car during the initial operation phase at a speed of no less than 30 miles per hour and no more than 50 miles per hour

Another tip that must be followed during the initial operation of the car is to maintain the car's rotation rate, Revs, to less than 3,000 thousand revolutions per minute, so that the brakes work smoothly with the engine cylinders

This maintains brake safety in the long run and avoids oil leakage

Tires should also be checked for any damage, and tire pressure should also be adjusted.

Experts have recommended the importance of constantly washing the exterior body of the car and cleaning the luggage compartment and interior cabin. This must include carefully cleaning the windows, especially the interior

Important tips for washing a car in cold seasons

It is recommended to wash the car regularly during the winter to avoid damage caused by dirt, mud, and road salt

German experts explained that such dirt often leads to corrosion and rust of the car’s exterior, especially if it is mixed with water from rain or splashed on the road, the effects of which are clearly visible on the fenders and sills

Experts recommend that the car should be washed from time to time, depending on the number of times you leave the car and its exposure to such dirt. In general, it is recommended to wash the car weekly if you drive it frequently, or even once a month if you go out in the car frequently

The car wash program must include all parts of the car, especially the lower part, and care must be taken to remove any traces of water and moisture remaining between the parts of the car with a cloth, while applying a care product to the rubber elements on the doors to avoid cracking and damage from cold temperatures

Technical inspection experts recommended taking good care of the nano-ceramic before the winter hibernation period to preserve its splendor.

The authority explained that the nano-ceramic car should be washed and cleaned well, including the engine and the bottom of the car

The fabric ceiling should also be cleaned with clear water, taking into account not using high-pressure cleaning devices. Because it may cause damage to the soft fabric of the roof, and it may also cause damage to the insulating material

To remove stains from the fabric roof, you must adhere to the instructions of the car manufacturer, which are contained in the owner’s manual

After drying the nano-ceramic well, the sealing elements on the frame, doors and windows should be treated with a silicone-based care material, which can be obtained from specialized stores

Some simple ways to maintain your car's brakes. See details

Car brakes are one of the most important stages of regular maintenance that concerns drivers. In the following report, we provide the most important instructions for maintaining their efficiency

The importance of maintaining car brakes becomes apparent in the winter when the roads become slippery, and one second differentiates between life and death

The importance of maintaining car brakes becomes apparent in the winter when the roads become slippery, and one second differentiates between life and death.

 Brake pads

The first step is to constantly inspect the brake calipers, which are the part that touches the inner steel tires of cars when pressing the brakes to stop the car

It is considered one of the most important components of the brakes, as it is the part that deals directly with the car’s tires while they are at maximum speed, which exposes them to wear and tear over time. Therefore, it is always recommended to follow up and examine the internal brake calipers in the event that any defect is detected in them

Fuel fluid leak The second step is to ensure the flow of fuel fluids, and its role is that it is the factor that conducts the pressure between the brake pedals and brake calipers, and it is the main factor in maintaining the brakes working with high efficiency

The flow of brake fluids is monitored, making sure to change them if they become viscous, in which case the brake fluid must be changed immediately

Safety of flexible brake lines The third step is to maintain the integrity of the flexible brake lines. These are brake lines made of stainless steel, and aim to improve the effectiveness and longevity of the brake system compared to the equivalent system equipped with flexible rubber hoses by completely eliminating hose expansion

Experts advised monitoring the efficiency of the brake lines by enlisting the help of a technical expert in the car, as it is a delicate process that requires experience and is done every two or three years

 Update and replace spare parts

The fourth and final step in taking care of the brakes and maintaining their safety is to constantly update and replace worn-out spare brake parts, if any wear is detected in them due to the constant pressure and heat they are exposed to, so that the driver can always ensure the highest brake performance

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